Prototypes are for fast iterations ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Here are a few thing that I added to the prototype:

Start Screen

As you can see from the gif, I added a basic idea for the start screen, everything is still just placeholders, however, many conceptual points are there like: I want a scrolling pattern on it, a key artwork on the middle and I would like to have a weird funky color pallet for the game (probably not the one that I used here). 

There is a long way to go but once the main core gameplay loop is there I'll focus on visuals.

Explorable Areas (Well, the basics at least)

When I was thinking how I was gonna let the players go from enemy to enemy, the simplest way (and probably the path I should have  taken but I like to live a risky life) would be  a menu where you can select a level and play it, very straight forward but, in my opinion that would make the game feel generic, like another lazy mobile casual game and because I love JRPGS I thought it would be better to add small, story driven explorable areas that leads to battles against the different enemies.

So I added free movement to the game supporting touch and keyboard controls . A dialogue system and interactions will be implemented soon.

Coding Stuffs

The following is probably not that important for players but since it took me time I'll share them as well. I added rudimentary systems for changing "scenes" and made the code more "modular"  so I could feel more comfortable working on it.

Next Steps

I really want to put the core gameplay loop into a flow chart just to keep the scope in check and see if there aren't hidden task that I haven't thought of derived from my desired of adding small explorable areas. The development is going in an unformal fashion but with all the intentions to ship as a functional game so, I'll have to add some formalities.

But before that I want to add the dialogue system and intractability with NPCs since it should not take that long.

I guess that's everything for now.

Remember that if you would like to support the game, I'm accepting donations as long as they are in dogecoin in this wallet address:


Until next time 0/

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